Owl Pond Rd, Hermon, 5 acres SOLD


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State: New York
County: St. Lawrence
Acreage: 5
Sale Price: $18,999
Down Payment: 15%
Monthly: $250
Property Taxes: $168
Association Fees: None
Electricity: Power is a few lots away
Telephone: Good cell service
Water: By Well, not installed
Waste: By Septic, not installed
Zoning: Res/Ag
Covenants: None
Access: County Road 
Time-Limit To Build: None
Liens & Judgments: None

Property Description:

5 acres, Owl Pond Road, lot 15
Hermon, NY 13652

Hermon is a town in St. Lawrence County, New York

Outdoorsman's dream, hunting and fishing galore. 5 acres of mixed hardwoods, granite outcroppings, perfect for a cabin or recreational property. This timberland is accessible from a winter maintained private, gravel road. It sits back about a 1/4 mile off Hermon-Edwards Road, which is paved. Wonderful location for any outdoor enthusiasts. Views of pristine Owl Pond which is home to many deer, turkey, ducks, geese and grouse. Power is a couple lots away. Here are some GPS coordinates to the property, 44.405250, -75.217899..

History of Hermon:

This is just a short glimpse into the history of this area. A must read.

Settlement began around 1805.

The Town of Hermon, NY was the twenty-fourth town erected by an act of the Legislature passed April 17, 1830. Hermon was originally organized under the name of Depeau, after Francis Depeau, once proprietor of a large tract of land in Jefferson county. He was also interested in the middle third of this territory, which he acquired on July 12, 1804. The first town meeting was held at a school-house May 4, 1830. The name of the town was changed to Hermon, February 28, 1834, as there was a Depeauville in Jefferson county.

Many of the pioneers of this town came from Vermont and were industrious and hardy people. The first European settler was James Taylor, who made a small clearing in the western part about 1805. A post-office was established at what is now Hermon village on December 20, 1828. The mail then came in on horseback from De Kaib.

The early industries of this town related to lumbering, the clearing of land and raising such crops as were needed by the people. But early in the history of this locality its excellent adaptability to grazing became apparent and more attention was given to stock-raising and dairying, and in recent years the latter industry has given it a rank among the best towns in the county. Cheese is the principal product.